Wednesday, 25 May 2016

100WC Week #19

All I have is a candle and a pocket knife, no one will ever know ... that I'm gone.
"Move!" yells a voice. I look back but all I see is headlights. I pick up the candle and knife and head toward the looming forest in front of me. A gust of wind blasts behind me, a shiver runs up my spine as the flame flickered and went out
"there's no going back now" I say under my breath.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

100WC Week #18

I't was pyjama day at school, everything was fine, until...

We were doing socials then the crack of  thunder exploded from my behind. Silence arose from the class, as my orange pyjamas started turning green thoughts swam through my head of what I was going to do. I quickly rushed out of the class room (in my bare feet) went home and never came back.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

100WC Week #17

                                                           I'm dead, great

I wake up on a small island that has a stairway to heaven.  So I'm
 dead, perfect.  I head up the stairs on my way I ran into som guy named Baby Ruth, weird. A million years later I met famous soccer player George Best. We talked then I continued my journey to the top. Finally I made it but then I herd a ding, and saw an elevator.  You don't know how mad I'am.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

100WC Week #16 by my name is JEFF

Sirens screaming, blinding lights everywhere. I've made it out of prison I need to run from T.H.E.M.  ( The Evil Horrific Masterminds ) They've held me prisoner for as long as I can remember but now I'm free.  I see the exit, a guard passes me but I hide safely. I'm so close to the exit, I'm almost free but then two hands pick me up and take me back to my prison cell before he left he said good night Matthew happy first birthday.